Hot Off The Mess With Pam Taylor

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When I saw Kim Carney’s post advertising positions for staff writers at her new web magazine, Virtuosity Worldwide, my heart fluttered and I got all warm and buzzy inside. Since I tend to make most of my life decisions with my heart, I knew right away that this was something I had to do.

Following my heart is not always the easiest thing, yet thankfully it seems to be the most rewarding. This was no
different. The story of our encounter was truly insightful and foreshadowing.

I met Kim shortly after submitting my music to an online radio station she was working for at the time, when she was perusing jewelry creations in my Etsy store. She had just lost her feathered friend, Horton McFlutter, a beautiful cockatiel, and a pair of feather earrings caught her eye.

She reached out to me explaining why these called out to her. I immediately felt a connection with her because I also had a feathered friend named Leroy (also a cockatiel) when I was a kid. My heart
fluttered then too. Once again, my heart led me to design a custom feather set, inspired by her late Horton and we shared stories of our long lost feathered friends.

Anytime there are feathers involved, I know it’s divine. Birds are covered in feathers!! This was the start of a beautiful budding friendship.

Fast forward to now, Kim and I are on completely different paths geographically, but one thing has remained the same, our desire to help make each other’s dreams come true. Kim has not only been on board for all my crazy dreams, but she is a tenacious cheerleader for them.

I’ve always been told the quickest way to make your dreams come true is to help make someone else’s come true, so when she told me of her dreams to have her own magazine supporting indie artists like me, I was instantly on board and became a cheerleader for her too.

I know the synergy of this collaboration will bear delicious fruit for everyone involved. I can’t wait to see how Kim’s ideas manifest into a worldwide movement and pave the way for indie artists, like me.

Her vision spreads far beyond the standard business relationship between music industry folk and the artist. She is breaking the mold and will no doubt make history by doing so. This is something I am proud to stand behind.

“It takes teamwork to make a dream work” it reads on the front page of the VW website, and this is the dream team I’ve been waiting for.

My aspirations of becoming a writer started many years ago in grade school, when my creative stories wowed teachers and won awards. In college, I turned my deepest darkest emotions into poetry and then into songs in my 20’s & 30’s. Now in my 40’s, after a decade long successful career in music, plenty of ups and way too many downs to mention, I look forward to turning my experiences into informative accounts filled with witty humor, truth, and of course plenty of inspiring HOT MESS woo woo.

I am so grateful and humbled by this opportunity, to spread the thread on this exciting new platform alongside my friend and partner, Tenacious K aka Kim Carney and everyone else at VW.

I’ve always been told I had a big mouth, now it’s gonna be even bigger! Thanks to VW for the rousing new adventure!

Make sure to tune in and get turned on with Hot Off The Mess!! Coming soon to Virtuosity Worldwide, LLC.

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