Author On Staff, Pam Taylor, Announces New Feature Series: Coping With Covid

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Coping with the pandemic is different for everyone. I find, that it’s a lot like grief, with loss being at the forefront. I mean, it’s like we’re living in the movie Outbreak. It can be pretty scary. Many of us have been quarantined away from friends and family. We’ve lost jobs, money, homes, and most importantly, we are living with the fear of a deadly virus.

The music industry was already suffering with declining CD sales due to digital streaming and less-than-minimum wage for most of us, unless you’re in the 1%. The most fundamental way for us to thrive is through live performances. Unfortunately, live music/entertainment was one of the first things to go when Covid struck. I know all too well. I was on tour in Florida, when it all came crashing down. For details on that, see my previous article “A Pamdemic Parable.”

My inspiration spiraled, so I decided to reach out to other artists to see how they are coping with Covid. The response I got was so refreshing. Between inspiration loss, depression, anxiety, and financial burdens, it has been a perfect storm for the arts and our souls to die, but reading these testimonials gave me hope. We are creatives by nature, so it makes sense that artists are creating a “new normal” in these harsh times, with live streaming and alternate ways to connect with their fans. Necessity is the mother of invention, and we are inventing a new music scene. Social distancing has created mass virtual concerts, new artist platforms, and strategies.

So, please stay tuned for more in my series, Coping With Covid. 

If you are an independent artist, and would like to share your story about how you’re Coping With Covid, contact Author Pam Taylor or Editor Kim Carney.

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