#SongStories: Jason Ray Welsh Shares The Healing Power Of Music

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When I heard the story of singer/songwriter, Jason Ray Welsh‘s tumultuous past, it struck a chord in my heart because of losing both my sister-in-law and my nephew to addiction. 

Not only does Jason’s story inspire me, so does his music. Celebrating eleven months clean and sober this week, Jason is also celebrating the release of his debut single.

Jason shared with us, how the song came about. “The song, “In My Mind” was written in about twenty minutes at home in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,” he said. “I sat down to write and it just flowed out of me. It is about my life throughout addiction to where I was giving love and not receiving it back. In the song, on the last verse, it says “To love another and feel that pain burn, Giving all my heart getting nothing in return.” It is talking about relationships, whether it be an intimate or personal relationship with a spouse, friend or family. In addiction, I felt like people only wanted me around if I could provide a party. When the money and the dope ran out and was gone, so were they.”

After 23 years of drug addiction, Jason is forging a dedicated path of sobriety and he’s using music as one of his tools to do that.

“I finally found something that works right with me, for my personal journey. What I found was the magic of music again. Music has been my saving grace. Instead of spending money and time on drugs and alcohol, I spend it on my music. I found the music again after many, many years of pushing it to the back,” Jason says.


“Every time I feel like using or drinking, I pick up the guitar  that I got after rehab, that I call “Grace”. I named it that because music is my saving grace and it helps me to sing a song or write one. It has been a long and difficult journey, but as they say – I didn’t come this far, to only come this far!” says Jason. “Debbie Cooper, my best friend and manager, says that it’s transformation through determination.”

Jason worked with producer and sound engineer, Karl Bingle, and his independent record label, Mission Control Records in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina, to record his new single, and is looking forward to returning to record more new music in the coming weeks. 

Jason is relying on his fans to help spread the word about his music, so do your part – have a listen, add it to your playlists, and then give it a like, post a comment and share, Share, SHARE!

Find out more about Jason and keep tabs on when he releases new music here: https://renegadejasonraywelsh.com

Note of thanks from Jason Ray Welsh:

First off, I’d like to thank my best friend and manager, Miss Debbie Cooper. Without “Mini Coop,” I wouldn’t be here today. She believed in me when nobody else did. She stood by me through my worst days and my darkest nights and never gave up on me. She is truly my Valkyrie.

My Producer and Sound Engineer, Mr. Karl Bingle, with his independent record label, Mission Control Records. He did an excellent job in the recording studio, arranging and mixing the song. And I must say, he Is one hell of a guy. He built the Studio in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina, from the ground up. The equipment, including the board, has been used in recording mega artists, such as Travis Tritt and many others.

I would also like to give a shout out to Mr. Bryson Grove, who played most of the instruments on my debut singe. He is 21 years old and plays more than twenty instruments, and has for fifteen years. He is a talented young man – absolutely amazing!

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