‘Autistic Artist’ Donico Allen, Shows Us Who The Real Super Hero Is

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The true super heroes of this world aren’t the ones who leap tall buildings in a single bound – they are the ones who take hardships in life and create something beautiful. And Georgia resident Donico Allen is one true super hero.

After being born in a prison hospital on May 29, 1992, Donico’s grandmother took him into her home and retired from her job at the U.S. Postal service to care for Donico and his siblings.

At three years old, Donico was diagnosed with Autism. He didn’t speak his first word until he was four years old. At the age of 12, Donico moved with his Grandmother and siblings to Millen, Georgia, where they started an organic farm.


Donico first fell in love with creating clay figures in his elementary school art class and his artistry grew from there. 

“I made Keanu Reeves as Neo from The Matrix films, out of clay and garbage twist-ties when I was 7 years old,” Donico says. “Clay was my first choice because I was very good at making figures with a full body. I was into making non-transitional figures out of garbage twist-ties, aluminum foil, and chenille pipe cleaners.”

Donico is a local celebrity. “I have some newspaper clippings of everything that I have worked for and video homages in honoring the birthdays of Michael Jackson and Stan Lee on YouTube. I made 60 pipe cleaner figures of Michael, got interviewed at The Augusta Chronicle and made a special guest appearance at the News 12 Station. It was for what would have been Michael Jackson‘s 60th birthday, August 29th, 2018,” Donico says. “Four months later, I also honored Marvel comic book creator, Stan Lee. He passed away on November 12th, 2018. I started making pipe cleaner figures of his superheroes that he created.”

Donico is currently a self-employed artist and Assistant Farmer at his Grandmother’s organic farm. “It was a wonderful year for me to do something creative in honor of my idols, and I hope that I get discovered by talent scouts, especially Tyler Perry. My grandmother wants me to work for him because she believes that I can make my mark on the world.”

We agree with your Grandmother, Donico Allen — Tyler Perry, if your reading this, give this talented super hero a chance, won’t you?! In the meantime, Donico, we hope you keep gifting smiles to the world through your art. 

You can follow Donico Allen via his Facebook page, click here: Donico Allen Facebook Page

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