Are you having fun? Or is your life mundane? Are you just going through the motions, waiting on something exciting to happen, while all the while you’re focused on all the nothing going on or just the bad stuff?
When you shift your focus to the possibility of everyday magic, every day becomes magic. I used to sit behind a desk daydreaming about what I’m doing now with excitement while taking small steps towards my dreams like practicing guitar, writing a song, making a business card for my band etc.
Little by little, those dreams started to manifest. Some folks say I’m lucky. To me, luck is when preparation meets opportunity. All the daydreaming I did lined me up with the opportunities that are in front of me today, and I did the work that prepared me to take them.
Even when I felt like giving up there were always signs from the Universe leading the way. And let me tell you, it has an F’d up sense of humor about it sometimes, just to get my attention. The messages were always so blatant that I couldn’t ignore. The more I followed, the more magic unfolded. I have less anxiety and depression today than ever before.
Photo credit: Hydeography
The more I followed, the more magic unfolded. I have less anxiety and depression today then ever before. Now I’m a Mountain, due to the fact that I am always following my internal guidance system, which all humans come fully equipped with. Yes we all have our own SIRI. Call it whatever you want.
All you gotta do is set your intentions and follow fearlessly in the direction of your dreams. What’s the worst that could happen? It’s Already Alright. One step at a time even though it looks like a million to climb.
You could stay where you are and keep getting the same experiences over and over, or you could take the path in your heart and find a little magic along the way. It’s only scary at first. Just like everything else, the more you practice, the better you get.
Abracadabra! Alashazam! Zip Boom Bam!! You magically become a masterful creator! Things can get really exciting now. Then you just keep going, growing and knowing! You might even Smile Again.
Sometimes shit will hit the fan, but that’s okay. Sometimes good things gotta fall apart so better things can come together.
Photo credit: Peter Von
Just try your best to go with the flow. Life is a current and to keep things flowing, intention is the currency here not money. If it’s your intention to feel good, you will. Just stay focused.
My practice began with the simple act of paying attention. I could afford that! It doesn’t cost a thing to pay attention. HOCUS POCUS FOCUS – what you focus on becomes bigger and bigger, and closer and closer.
Then follow the signs. You can’t really get lost. You just gotta look for them. They’re everywhere. Life quickly becomes a fun game. C’mon c’mon c’mon!! Stick your quarter in and LET’S PLAY!! I love you all We’ve got this!
Be the light Give the love Share the music Peace & Flyin V’s Blame it on my hippie soul